Getting a Website
March 12, 2013 by Lana
Filed under Featured, Internet Marketing Strategies
In order to make money and become successful in Internet business, the first thing that you will absolutely need – after the obvious computer – is a decent website. It is easy to recognise the companies who are not on the ball with internet business, because their websites look unprofessional and old. When the internet revolution started all those years ago, web pages were simple text on a screen, with possibly a little bit of color and graphics if the webmaster was experienced. Now, with technology improving by the day, a basic website is not generally acceptable in business.
Information Technology classes in schools now cover Internet resources quite thoroughly, as the use of computers has been revolutionized by the Internet. The major reason that people now use their computers is to go online for one reason or another. Many people, particularly younger people, have some knowledge of HTML, and in many cases can put together web pages that would have made the original experts blush. It is likely, then, that you know someone with this skill – and for a good rate, they will create a website for you that will bring in plenty of customers.
If you do not have a friend or family member who can put together a good website, then you may need to outsource the work to a professional. This can be expensive depending on what you want, so as a holdover it is worth setting up a blog. These can be customised to look like any other website, and will aid you in making enough money to pay for a professional to design your site.
the site owner, in the signature on your e-mail and on forums, as well as other innovative ways of spreading it – is all-important for you to bring in business.
Website Dos and Don’ts
April 5, 2012 by Lana
Filed under Internet Marketing Strategies
When setting up a website for Internet business there are a few things that need to be kept in mind at all times. Certain dos and don’ts like these can be the difference between success and failure, and are the reason that many companies outsource their Internet work to real experts. The Internet is a serious business tool, and incorrect use of it can drive potential customers away. Keep this in mind when it comes to setting up a business website, and get unbiased feedback on it before you “go live”. It may take a bit of time, and may even require some spending, but the benefits of a good website are unarguable.
Having the content of the site written and designed professionally can be worthwhile. If you are good with words, it is less so – it is important to do as much of the work as you comfortably can. Badly worded text, however, can hole you beneath the water line. A memorable URL for your site is also just about obligatory. Trying to get people to remember a long website address is likely to result in them upping sticks and going elsewhere. The site should also be easy to navigate and carry prominent contact details. Your potential customer may be very impressed by the flashing text and the snappy images, but if they cannot phone you or send you an e-mail, it won’t be much good to you. Try also to present a welcoming image on your site – sometimes just being made to smile can persuade a customer to spend their money.
Website No-Nos
March 14, 2012 by Lana
Filed under Internet Marketing Strategies
Setting up a website in order to bring business into your company is an essential step in the present day. Even from watching advertisements on television or picking up a magazine you can see that, alongside the bullet-point information in the ads, there is almost invariably a URL for the company website. The Internet is a serious business tool for the biggest companies, and the smaller companies use it too as it is often cheaper and more effective than going ahead with simple old fashioned business practices. Advertising, for one thing, costs a lot more in print and in public than it does online.
A good company website, then, can be the difference between your business sinking and swimming. There are certain things that can turn a potential customer off a company just from a short view of a website. These are simple things, but they can cost you big money if you allow them to. Good spelling is an essential – the potential customer may have doubts about your ability to deliver a good service if you cannot proof-read your documents. Readability is also important – no long, rambling sentences can be allowed, nor can a poor choice of color combination (navy blue text on a bright red background will not do).
Poor use of images is also dangerous. The wrong image, the wrong size, the wrong placement – these are just three things that can make a potential customer’s mind wander. And if you let their mind wander, it may just wander all the way over to one of your rivals.